

姓名:思敏 职业:高校教师 位置:中国,上海

大陆留学生黄西(Joe Wong)在美国记者年会上的脱口秀

2010-04-11 07:55 阅读(?)评论(0)

http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/TZr75XYewJE/  大陆留学生黄西(Joe Wong)在美国记者年会上的脱口秀,大家可以点开看看


黄西(Joe Wong),一位来自中国东北的化学博士,在美国用英语给美国人说“单口相声(stand-up comedy)”,且颇受广大观众喜欢,后获邀在美国CBS电视台著名的脱口秀节目——《大卫.莱特曼深夜秀》上进行表演。这段不足六分钟的单口相声表演令黄西迅速走红全美,其表演视频在视频网站YouTube上的点击率超过了36万次。越来越多人知道了这位用带着中国口音的英语讲精彩笑话的华裔移民,而黄西也希望能借助相声改变美国社会对亚裔移民的印象。


A good way, it’s often said, to measure one’s understanding of a second language is the ability to understand a joke. While Joe Wong doesn’t only get 2)punch lines in English, he makes them up.


 On April 17, 2009, Joe Wong made his television 3)debut as a 4)comic on 5)The Late Show with David Letterman. The 39-year-old 6)Arlington resident and Chinese national is the latest in a prestigious line of Boston comics to 7)make it onto the national stage.


 Wong’s journey to the 8)stand-up 9)mic is more unusual than most. Raised in the northeast province of Jilin, China, Wong came to the U.S. in 1994 to pursue a PhD in chemistry at 10)Rice University in Texas. Despite 11)penning a few humor columns for the school paper, he was subsequently rejected from a creative-writing class because of what he was told were weak sample submissions. It was at that point that this Chinese student decided to give up trying to write things that would make Americans laugh.


 But after graduation, in 2001, Wong 12)caught a live comedy show by performance-art/comic legend 13)Emo Philips at a Texas nightclub. “I had no idea there is an art form called stand-up comedy,” said Wong, who wears round glasses and has short hair, and, not surprisingly, smiles often. He said that in China, the only thing comparable to stand-up was “14)crosstalk.” Though he could only understand about half of Emo’s jokes, Wong said he fell in love with the art. “It was very smart... It expands...the way you think. It just puts a little perspective on life, too,” he said. And he was inspired to try stand-up himself.




1) laugh off 对…付之一笑,以笑来消除…

2) punch line 笑话或幽默故事的高潮,妙语

3) debut [5debjJ] v. 初次登场,首次演出

4) comic [5k?mIk] n. 喜剧演员

5) The Late Show with David Letterman 《大卫.莱特曼深夜秀》,美国CBS一档著名的电视节目,由著名脱口秀主持人大卫.莱特曼主持,深受观众喜爱

6) Arlington [5B:lINtEn] n. 阿灵顿,美国马萨诸塞州东部一城镇,是波士顿的一个市郊居住区

7) make it (非正式用语)成功

8) stand-up 作形容词时,指“(喜剧或喜剧演员)单人表演的,滑稽说笑的”。作名词时,等同于stand-up comedian(单口相声演员)或stand-up comedy(单口相声)

9) mic abbr. microphone 话筒,麦克风

10) Rice University 莱斯大学,创立于1892年,位于美国得克萨斯州休斯敦市郊,为美国南方最高学府,以工程系闻名

11) pen [pen] v.

12) catch [kAtF] v. (非正式用语)看表演,前往观看(演出等)

13) Emo Philips 默.菲利普斯(1956 ),美国舞台界及喜剧界传奇人物

14) crosstalk [5kr?s7tC:k] n. 机智的问答,(曲艺)两人相声
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